It’s time to say yes4good
What’s yes4good?
It’s our place to give, to support, to fundraise and to volunteer.
It’s choc-a-block full of great charities and causes and you can choose any of them to donate to with either workplace giving via payroll (pre-tax) or credit card.
It’s where we can support key fundraising events. You can set up a fundraiser and share with others or support some of your workmates as they fundraise for a cause close to their heart.
It’s where we can register to volunteer for the many programs on offer such as ABCN Mentoring, or other events as they come up.
What’s also great is that for every dollar you donate we match it up to $300. Vouchers are sent out after the end of each financial year and you can double your giving.
We can choose to change the world. We can choose to have an impact.
We can choose to say yes.

The Optus workplace giving program - yes4good - applies to employees of Optus Administration Pty Ltd. In all references to Optus people, this includes the employees of all wholly owned subsidiaries of Optus, Alphawest Services, Optus Retail, UeComm and Virgin Mobile.